A story of HOPE
The Lametna Project is a community initiative by Gordian Consultancy and St Mary's Agape Mission School to improve the lives of the Chin refugees here in the Klang Valley.
The Chin refugee community, with a population of approximately 49,000, is one of the largest groups of refugees currently living in Malaysia. Fleeing persecution in their home country of Myanmar, the Chin refugees found their way to Malaysia (the majority of them living in the Klang Valley region). However, Malaysia not being a party to the UN 1951 Refugee Convention does not have any legislative or administrative framework for managing asylum seekers and refugees. As such, the Chin refugees in Malaysia lack access to legal employment and the children are excluded from public schools or any form of formal education.
We believe that the best way of breaking the cycle of poverty is to empower the women of the Chin Community by providing them with essential entrepreneurial skills as well as a sustainable and stable income. Countless studies have shown that there is a clear correlation between the empowerment of women and significant improvements in the economy and general welfare of a community.

The Lametna Project is run as a social enterprise. The idea is that aside from providing an income to our makers, the business also serves as a entrepreneurial training platform for the Chin youths.
All our products are lovingly handmade by the Chin women artisans and at least 70% of the profits from the sales of these products will go back into the hands of these amazing artisans and rest of the profits will then help to fund the education and welfare of the Chin children. The project also provides essential entrepreneurial skills through practical support, mentoring, and internship opportunities to the older students of St Mary's Agape Mission School
Together we can help the Chin refugees build a better future for their community.
Oh, in case you're wondering, LAMETNA is a Tedim Chin word for 'Hope'.